Replace Your Income

Is Income Replacement ACTUALLY Possible? Your Answer Is In This Episode

Episode Summary

For today’s episode, Steve and I wanted to dedicate some time to discuss our income replacement philosophy a bit deeper.

Episode Notes

For today’s episode, Steve and I wanted to dedicate some time to discuss our income replacement philosophy a bit deeper.

We believe our approach of replacing your income one property at a time is unique. One of the things we love most about it is that it can be adapted and planned out to fit ANY individual situation perfectly.

What you want to accomplish and where you are financially will shape your journey. Two crucial factors, both of which considered in our approach.

Still, there IS something universal for everyone across the board. Income replacement needs to be considered in the long-term.

“Real estate requires discipline, and it requires time.” - Kevin Clayson

The actual length of the journey will vary, but we need to accept it’s kind of a marathon...

And today, we’re going to use this marathon analogy to explain the various aspects of our income replacement philosophy. 

Hopefully, after this episode, you will all have a much more delicate understanding of why we do what we do here at Done For You.

One last thing before we get into the show...

We’re also starting a free monthly webinar series, so make sure to check out our website for more information! 

This month’s topic:

Sharpening Your Mindset For An Exceptional 2021:

Enjoy the episode!

Key Takeaways:

Additional Resources:


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And remember...

Income replacement for you and your family may only be one property away!