Replace Your Income

Book Launch! Microwins to Millions

Episode Summary

This podcast episode is a celebration of the release of the book "Microwins to Millions" after three and a half years of hard work. The hosts discuss their excitement about sharing the book with existing and potential clients, as well as the general population. The book goes beyond real estate investing, introducing a philosophical approach to applying the concept of Moneyball, micro wins, and success to everyday life. The hosts express their pride in the positive feedback they've received from early readers, including successful real estate investors. They share their hopes for the impact the book will have on individuals, emphasizing the idea of seeking the "quiet applause of heaven" rather than the massive ovation of the crowd. The book, according to the hosts, is designed for the individual reader, picturing someone sitting on their couch, cracking open the book, and experiencing a transformative moment. The hosts discuss the unique approach taken in the book, providing micro wins at the end of each chapter that readers can acknowledge and achieve. The episode also introduces the use of Kickstarter to launch the book, explaining how backers can support the project at various levels. The hosts express their excitement about the Kickstarter campaign, emphasizing the opportunity for backers to be part of a community that is micro winning together to bring the book to the world. 00:00 Kickstarter 5:17 Who Should Read This 8:50 How to Back This Project 10:00 Backer Levels 28:38 Young Investors 30:00 End

Episode Transcription

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;12;01


I'm a big believer in this concept. The challenges we face in life are directly proportional to the greatness we're trying to accomplish.


00;00;12;04 - 00;00;38;09


All right. Well, hello, everybody, and welcome to replace your income with Kevin and Steve. And this is a very special episode. Steve, we're so excited for this episode. my goodness. We've been waiting so long for this episode. Like, so long. Too long. Too long. Because this is the first time in history when we can tell you you have the ability to go and begin to get your hands on micro winds to millions.


00;00;38;17 - 00;01;03;04


The book that we've been writing for three and a half years and we've been talking about and waiting about and did podcast episodes on, it's finally available for you to get your hands on. And that's what we are here to announce. We're going to talk about how you get your hands on it and we're going to talk about this really awesome, unique platform we're using called Kickstarter to get it to the world quicker than any other way with all kinds of extras and goodies.


00;01;03;07 - 00;01;21;11


So, Steve, it is time to get this book out into the world, isn't it? It really is. I'm quite excited about it. It has been a long haul. It's been a lot of work. You know, as hard as I has worked on this project, you've put in probably three times as much, maybe more than that than I have.


00;01;21;16 - 00;01;52;15


So I know you're super excited about it. I know you're very proud of the work that that's been done as far as I am, and I'm just excited to get it into the hands of our existing clients. Prospective clients. And more than that, Kev, like just generally speaking into the general population to where they can really get a better understanding of what it takes to become a real estate investor and to apply the philosophy of Moneyball, real estate and micro winning to their everyday lives.


00;01;52;15 - 00;02;13;19


So this isn't just about real estate investing. That's right. And this is one of the parts that I love the most about the book is that we introduced the idea of from a philosophical view of how people can take this philosophy and apply it to everyday living and literally change their lives in any and every aspect of living.


00;02;13;20 - 00;02;35;19


It's so true and that's why it's so awesome. And I've got to say, we look, we haven't had a ton of people read it yet, right? We've given it to a handful, but the early returns have been exceptionally good. What did you say? Yeah, I mean, we've had some pretty critical people read it that we've sent it to and that are very successful real estate investors, very successful people, really smart, very accomplished.


00;02;35;24 - 00;03;07;24


Yes. And and the feedback has really been tremendous, which which I was hopeful for, but obviously didn't know what it was. I didn't know was going to come back. It's like you guys suck. I know. yeah. You know, But it's really been so positive. One of the hardest things to do and I realized this with with my first book and felt it again as we've got to the to where this book's getting out into the world is you pour so much of your heart and your soul into something and then you present it to the world and you're afraid they're going to call your baby ugly, right?


00;03;07;25 - 00;03;22;22


And it's so terrified. It's like, I think I did something really great here and I took all my time that I needed to take. And I did all the research and I poured my guts into this thing and I think it's really good. And then you show it to somebody and they go, It sucks. And so do you.


00;03;22;23 - 00;03;39;18


Well, and it's sometimes it's not even that. It's that they think it's horrible. Just like, Yeah, yeah. It's like it's a good job. It's like it's a good essay, you know, turn it into your, you know, your college university professor, whatever. And you know what's funny about that mentality? And it's a mentality that we talk about in the book.


00;03;39;23 - 00;04;03;03


You know, one of the one of the tenants I live by is this idea that we should be seeking the quiet applause of heaven instead of sort of seeking after the massive ovation of the crowd, of the standing ovation from the world. Right. And I can tell you with this book that I know for a fact, I hope that everybody listening goes and gets a copy.


00;04;03;03 - 00;04;23;08


I hope that you share it with your friends and your family. I hope that we are able to sell hundreds of thousands of copies, not because of what that means for us as as the authors of the book or for the company. But because I know that if somebody buys this book and cracks it open, the thing that I care about most and I think about this all the time, and as we wrote the book, we thought about this.


00;04;23;11 - 00;04;41;17


We didn't write it for the masses. We wrote it for the one, We wrote it for the one person. And I literally I can't tell you how many times we were working on the book or I was sitting in the quiet of night, you know, rewriting something, a section or one of my stories or something like that. And I didn't think about, I wonder who's going to read this?


00;04;41;17 - 00;05;02;02


And I wonder how many people are going to read it and if we're going to get on the news or a podcast, I literally would always have this picture in my mind of just one, just somebody maybe they're there in their car, maybe they're on a beach, maybe they're in their office. The way I would always see them as they would be sitting at home on their couch cracking open.


00;05;02;02 - 00;05;17;04


This book. And I would always think of them as having always wanted to get into real estate, never knowing how to get into real estate. And somebody told them, This is the story that I had in my mind. Somebody told them about a book that they'd heard about micro winds, 2 million, and it was a friend that told them about it.


00;05;17;08 - 00;05;35;07


The friend hadn't even read the book, but they heard about it and thought that this person might be the person I would think would like the book. And this this person that I'm thinking of that liked the book would be sitting on their couch. They'd be cracking open the book and they would be reading a line. And they and I always pictured I'm the same way.


00;05;35;10 - 00;06;08;26


They'd have the book open and they would read a line and their eyebrows would raise and it would be like this light bulb moment. And I always think about that precise moment in time and what it means for that guy and that that moment right there from that one line on that one page in this micro Winston millions book that their friend told them they might be interested in, was that was the domino that fell, that first domino that then all of a sudden they ravenously read the rest of the book and they realize, my goodness, this is within reach.


00;06;08;26 - 00;06;38;24


This is something I can do. And and he shifted his entire mental approach to his wealth building and his life. And he realizes that he doesn't have to seek the thunderous ovation of the crowd. All he has to do with Stack these little wins. And he can start right now. He can start immediately. One of the coolest things that we did in the book is at the end of each chapter, we give you micro winds that you can acknowledge and that you can go and achieve so that you are literally micro winning your way through micro wins to millions as a foundation for the rest of your life and for your finance.


00;06;39;00 - 00;06;53;10


And so I just am so excited to see to share this with the world. I'm excited for that one guy sitting on his couch having that one moment. That's the big domino. That means the rest of his life is never going to be the same. That's what I think about. Like, I literally just got chills. I do.


00;06;53;10 - 00;07;17;29


I like it. I love that it's so meaningful to me because what we did with this, Steve, is we did much more than write a book. We poured we poured ourselves into this thing. Everything that we've learned, everything that we've we've failed at, everything that we've tried to figure out, all of the success of our clients, all of the success that we've had, the success of the company, all of the folks that we've had this opportunity to work with, we took all of it.


00;07;17;29 - 00;07;37;20


We took all of the secrets, all of the secret sauce, everything that we've done, the entire precise formula of how we've built this company and how we've helped thousands of people generate millions, multi-millions, hundreds of millions of dollars of revenues in real estate. And we poured it into 12 chapters and 12 principles that are game changing and life changing.


00;07;37;25 - 00;08;04;13


And what we want everybody here to know is today's the first chance you have to be able to put your name somewhere to be able to get a copy of this thing. And Steve, we decided to do it on a platform called Kickstarter. Let's talk a little bit about Kickstarter. Kickstarter is one of those platforms where, you know, individuals who don't have like big name publishers or maybe they're just kind of the small guys and they're trying to figure out, how do I get this out to the world?


00;08;04;15 - 00;08;25;14


They can, you know, use this platform to do exactly that. So, you know, when I looked at at their website, I looked at the platform for the very first time. I got very excited about it. It wasn't because they, you know, were perfectly crafted for a book like ours. Sure. It really fit the concept, the philosophy of micro winning.


00;08;25;14 - 00;08;50;13


Yeah. From the concept of it's like, look, if you can get, you know, a few people to back what you're doing, you know, then you can kind of parlay that into something more significant, you know, down the line. Yeah. So with the Kickstarter, there's an opportunity to not only introduce the book to the public, but a host of other products and services and things that we are going to offer in addition to the book.


00;08;50;14 - 00;09;06;28


Yes. And so here's the other thing that I love about Kickstarter and why we are asking you today to visit micro winds 2 million dot com and to back this Kickstarter. So here's how Kickstarter works. We put a we put our baby out into the world and you can go look at it and see if it's ugly or not.


00;09;07;00 - 00;09;29;17


And what you're going to see. There is all kinds of of levels at which you can engage this content. And the way that this works is we tell Kickstarter that we want to put this book out into the world and we set a goal. And the goal is we just want to, you know, get $10,000 of backers that are getting the books.


00;09;29;20 - 00;09;53;14


And then if we fully fund the Kickstarter, we actually get that money. The people actually get to buy the actually get the books and we get to deliver stuff. But let's say that everybody listening and watching right now, you don't back to Kickstarter, okay? It doesn't mean that the book's not going to be published. The book will still be published, but what it means is that you could go on Kickstarter, you could say, I want to back this at whatever level.


00;09;53;14 - 00;10;10;19


We'll go through the levels here in a second. And if we have enough people that back it, if we micro win enough to get, you know, a $10,000 backing for the book, it means that everybody gets the book. It means that we get to deliver it. But if we if you don't if we can't fulfill the backing obligation, the Kickstarter goes away.


00;10;10;19 - 00;10;29;06


Now, here's what this means. If you're thinking about backing the project and you go on, they will ask you for a credit card, but they won't charge your credit card, right? They'll say, You want to back this project at a $20 level, and we'll talk about that in a second. But if we don't fully fund the project, then you don't have to pay the $20 and you won't have the book delivered.


00;10;29;06 - 00;10;51;23


You'd have to buy it later on Amazon or on Audible or from us or whatever. It's kind of like getting on a waiting list to be the first to be able to get you the book. That is what it boils down to, because you're not even like prepaying for not pre-ordering it. You're just backing it such that when it does come out shortly after the Kickstarter is is finished because we have the finished product.


00;10;51;24 - 00;11;10;28


Yes, we do. It's just it's a matter of literally of printing it that at that moment in time when the Kickstarter gets funded, then we're sending out, you know, whichever version you decided to purchase. But there are some cool things that we get to do with Kickstarter because it means that we don't have to get the book printed and sent until we're probably looking at like late March.


00;11;11;03 - 00;11;30;06


But what that means is there are some backer levels that you can have your name in the book, like we have the book completed, but if you back the project at a certain level, we get to put your name in the book. So it gives us this element of having this like this crowdfunded crowd approach, micro winning together to get this book out into the world.


00;11;30;06 - 00;11;50;12


And so if you go to micro wins, 2 million XCOM, you will be able to get connected to the Kickstarter campaign. Now when you go to Kickstarter, you're actually going to be on the Kickstarter site and on the Kickstarter site. When you go and look at our project that you're going to see right at the I'm actually going to open it right now so you can see it right at the top.


00;11;50;17 - 00;12;05;00


You're going to see it says Micro Winstanley. And you're going to see an image and a play button that you can click on. So let's actually take a second. We're going to play the video. So we did a little four minute video that's right here that you can watch. But we're going to play the audio for you right now.


00;12;05;00 - 00;12;37;00


And if you're watching on YouTube, you'll be able to actually see the video. Hello, I'm Steve Earle, CEO of Denver Real Estate, and my name is Kevin Gleason, and we are the co-founders of an award winning real estate investment company that's now responsible for helping thousands of everyday people successfully transact over $1,000,000,000 in profitable real estate. And we are here on Kickstarter to announce the opportunity to back our new book that outlines the Moneyball real estate system that we've used.


00;12;37;02 - 00;12;58;03


The book is called Micro Winds Two Millions. This book will unlock and deliver to you the exact strategy we've honed and developed for nearly two decades and 5000 successful property purchases. Have you ever wondered why some thrive in real estate while others seem to barely get started? Well, let me share with you a secret that's at the heart of our brand new book, Microloans to Millions.


00;12;58;06 - 00;13;25;00


The real key to success in real estate and, frankly, in life. Is it about this mentality of big risks and big rewards? It's about small, consistent wins. It's about stacking micro wins. This book, this book right here, it represents a revolution in investment thinking. And it's been the industry's best kept secret until right now. We're eager to bring micro wins to millions to you swiftly via Kickstarter, bypassing traditional publishing delays.


00;13;25;01 - 00;13;48;21


It's not just about speed. It's about directly connecting with you. I'm telling you, this book, it transcends typical real estate guides. It's a journey with tested principles in finance, real estate, business and life. And it's designed to be transformative for you. Here are a few quick testimonials from actual clients about what the principles of this book have meant to them and their financial lives.


00;13;48;28 - 00;14;11;10


I started using the micro wins mindset several years ago, and since then it's really changed my life. Micro wins to millions is a principle I believe in and I would recommend it to anybody. I've been using the Moneyball real estate system as kind of the base for my financial wealth building over the last five or six years, and this book has truly changed my trajectory for retirement and given me hope again.


00;14;11;11 - 00;14;34;06


The strategies outlined in this book have literally changed my life. I'm so excited about it. It's the little things. The Moneyball approach has literally transformed not just my wealth but my life, so that we can spend more time doing the things we love with the people that we love most. My daughter herself has purchased five homes. She's just turning 30 this year and I totally, 100% recommend this system for you.


00;14;34;07 - 00;14;59;20


We've got a variety of Kickstarter rewards, eBooks, audiobooks, limited edition hardcovers, exclusive swag, a special one time only master class access to our premier community, the on deck circle and more. The book is structured really uniquely. It's structured into 12 powerful principles. Each one applicable in life and in real estate and really the whole book. It's all about accumulating small victories.


00;14;59;22 - 00;15;27;02


Each building upon the last leading to significant achievements. We detail the Moneyball real estate strategy, focusing on steady, calculated investments rather than high risk trends. It's this system that has transformed thousands of lives, replacing income through successful property investments and regardless of market conditions, the Moneyball real estate formula in this book pinpoints the best investment opportunities. The focus isn't just on wealth.


00;15;27;08 - 00;15;58;05


Micro wins the millions is about achieving economic independence, whatever that means for you. We provide a clear formula to reach this goal moving beyond mere wealth accumulation. The book is packed with real life stories, real life testimonials, real life results, and with practical advice. This book is not theoretical. It's a tactical guide for success. You're going to learn how to apply each strategy and micro win your way to real, tangible results in life and in real estate.


00;15;58;07 - 00;16;23;15


Join us on this journey back. Micro wins to millions on Kickstarter and start transforming your approach to real estate and personal success. Let's make your dreams a reality. One Micro Win at a Time. So then you'll see to the right. Now that you watch a video, you'll see to the right that it says back this project. When you click back this project, it's going to show you a variety of backer levels or reward levels.


00;16;23;15 - 00;16;40;22


And so we're going to go through what those are right now. So that now real quick, you'll notice on the Kickstarter you can back the project for a dollar. It just means you're not getting a book for a dollar, But if that's all you had was a dollar and you're like, Hey, Kevin, Steve, we want to support you.


00;16;40;22 - 00;16;55;15


One dollar's worth, and you could go on there and pledge a dollar. It won't get charged unless we fully back the campaign. But then you can have a dollar that goes towards getting this thing out into the world. But for those of you that actually want to get the book and get the stuff, the first level is at $10.


00;16;55;21 - 00;17;15;22


And so the first level we have is called the Rookie Reader, and it's just the digital book. So you pay $10, you'll get delivered the digital book like the e-book, and you'll also get exclusive updates throughout the campaign. So you could do that. You could also do the double play. This is the $20 backer level and the $20 backer level is the audio book.


00;17;15;28 - 00;17;37;17


Now this is really cool because at this level we also start to add something amazing. Now, on last episode, I touched on briefly this thing that that we're going to be launching, which is kind of a a community and an education platform where we continually share lots of really awesome content and help people continue to grow towards real estate.


00;17;37;22 - 00;17;54;07


We have something called the on deck Circle, and if you're a Dunphy real estate client, you are automatically going to be in the on deck circle. But for those of you that are not clients, but you decide to at least get the audiobook at a $20 level, you will get 30 days of the on deck circle for free K, which is going to be awesome.


00;17;54;07 - 00;18;12;24


You are going to have access to incredible content not just now, but fresh stuff, intensives that we're doing on a regular basis where you can, you'll be able to come to live events that we do here at the office. You're going to be able to get fresh content on a on a weekly basis. You're going to be able to get private coaching, all of this stuff that's part of the on deck circle.


00;18;12;29 - 00;18;35;03


So we have the $20 level, which is the audiobook 30 days free of the on deck circle and exclusive updates. And then the first time you can get a physical book, Steve is $25 for the softcover book, and that will also come with 30 days of the on deck circle. Now, this is the one that everybody should do, Steve But there's only 50 of them friends.


00;18;35;03 - 00;19;07;08


There's only 50 of these. It's something we're calling the early lead. It is $25, meaning it is 50% off for the first 50 backers. And it is the digital copy of the book, the audio copy of the book, and an autographed special edition, limited cover of the book and three months of the on deck circle for 25 bucks after the first 50 of those are filled, that exact same package will jump up to $50.


00;19;07;09 - 00;19;27;27


Okay. But you can still get it at $50. You saw all the stuff. We also have the $40 package, which is the RBI leader, and that's the premium limited edition hardcover with the on deck circle. So that just gives you an idea of some of what's available. Steve, If they go on here, you guys, you could see all kinds of stuff starting at the $100 level.


00;19;27;27 - 00;19;48;25


We have something called the batters bundle and it gives you the it gives you the the book, a t shirt, micro instability hat, a mug, a pen. Exclusive updates and six months free to the on deck circle and that's at $100 level by the way the on deck circle is is going to be like $97 a month. So you're paying $100 to get six months of the Arctic Circle.


00;19;48;25 - 00;20;10;10


You're getting a $600 value, plus the book, plus the t shirt plus the ball cap plus the mug plus the pen, plus exclusive updates. And there's all kinds of backer levels for invest for investors, for business owners, for real estate agents. And there's one that's really special, Steve, There's what do you remember? We are we are offering something that we've never offered before.


00;20;10;11 - 00;20;26;04


Now I'm going to tell everybody what this backer level is. Okay, Steve, You know what I'm talking about, right? I know what you're talking about. I don't really expect anybody to buy this. Okay? Because it would mean you'd have to hang out with Steve and I. But we do have a level it's a 20 $500 level that we call the champion dinner.


00;20;26;09 - 00;20;45;24


And here's what it comes with. This is a deluxe investors experience. So you get a personal dinner with Steve and I. We are going to go up to Sundance Ski Resort that that was previously owned by Robert Redford. And there's a restaurant there called The Tree Room. And the tree room is a super nice kind of fancy restaurant.


00;20;46;01 - 00;21;05;02


And there's this like dining room that we can go get access to. That used to be Robert Redford's private like dining area when he was on property. And we're going there's going to be we only have a few of these available but you'll be able to come. Steve and I are going to take you to dinner if you have to fly in, fly in.


00;21;05;05 - 00;21;26;20


But we'll take you to dinner up at Sundance Resort. But it also is going to come with autographed hardcovers of the book Limited Edition T-shirts. You can we have multiple styles. You can choose from a limited edition golf shirt, a ball cap, a mug, a pen. Exclusive updates. You'll get a personalized game plan, meaning with that level as well as access to a one time only master class, we are going to be doing.


00;21;26;23 - 00;21;47;24


Some of these levels include a one time only master class that we're only ever going to do one time. Talk a little bit about what that master class is going to be Summit so it's going to be pretty awesome. So we're taking the principles from the Book Micro instead to millions. We're breaking them down, we're putting them into bite sized chunks and delivering the value, the content to those who attend this class.


00;21;47;27 - 00;22;09;13


It's going to be experiential in nature. It's not going to be all theoretical. I love the word that you use all the time in describing this, which is tactical. Tactical? Yeah. So when you leave, you will have a plan in place for your next steps in life, in real estate, in business, and you'll you'll leave feeling empowered and enriched and ready to take on the world.


00;22;09;13 - 00;22;25;16


And we're going to be doing the masterclass live here at the office. So if you if you back a level that has access to the masterclass, you can come in person if you want to or you can come digitally. But that's also going to be part of the champions Dinner package. And here's the other thing that's kind of cool.


00;22;25;16 - 00;22;52;21


So I think starting at I'm looking at the levels, starting at the the I think it's the yep, it starts at the $350 level, which is what we call the MVP action taker package. It's a limited edition hardcover, it's a t shirt ball cap, mug, pen updates, personalized game plan meeting access to the masterclass, six months of the on deck circle and your name goes in the book.


00;22;52;26 - 00;23;13;03


So out of all of the levels, this is my favorite this level one like it in my mind it's kind of like like all of the levels are super cool. Everybody wants to have, you know, the different experience and also based on where they're at, whether, you know, the $10 is a bit of a stretch or if you have a little bit of extra and you can get all of all of these benefits and I think you like to use the word goodies.


00;23;13;04 - 00;23;32;26


Yeah, this is by far my favorite kind of bang for your buck at that three and $50 level. I love it 100%. So the 300, the MVP package. So six months of the Arctic Circle, that's that $600 value. Plus you get a game plan with our in-house resident, plus you get the limited it. We're only doing a K.


00;23;33;01 - 00;23;55;24


The book has a white cover, but we are doing a limited edition hardback cover. That's a black cover that will only be on the autographed books that we are only ever going to sell one time. And it is only ever for backers of the Kickstarter. And so it's going to be the limited edition cover, plus an entire swag box of all kinds of cool stuff.


00;23;55;28 - 00;24;15;03


So this is I mean, there's tons of value here and it's amazing. So here's what we want you guys to do. We wanted to jump on and just get excited and tell you how pumped we are that this thing is available. And so if you'll go to micro wins 2 million dot com K so that's all spelled out micro wins two millions dot com.


00;24;15;05 - 00;24;43;27


You are going to get directed to the Kickstarter where you can go and back this thing at whatever level you want. There's all kinds of stuff on the Kickstarter page. You could watch the video, you could pledge a dollar or you could get the MVP package or the champions Dinner or anything that you want that's there. And if we fund this Kickstarter, which I really think we will, just with the podcast audience alone, it means that we can start to deliver this content to all of you right away.


00;24;43;27 - 00;24;59;02


Right? This thing is only months away from being in your house and you're going to start to get benefits like the Masterclass that are going to come even before the book is delivered. So we want you and the on deck circle, which will come even before the book is delivered, some of the early stuff on the on deck circle.


00;24;59;02 - 00;25;28;07


So here's what we want you to do. Go to micro instabilities dot com. Please consider backing this project. You know, Steve, just to kind of remind everybody, so we were working with a, with a publisher on this book and it's a publisher that has worked with some pretty exceptional authors that have had mega bestsellers. But this particular publisher, they they didn't they kind of mismanaged their publishing company and they went out of business and they were purchased.


00;25;28;07 - 00;25;41;27


And the new publisher, it was taking over, seemed like they really had their stuff together. And they approached us and said, We still really want your book and we want to do it, but it's not going to be able to go out into the world till 2025. And that's when you and I decided, Nope, we're not going to do that.


00;25;41;29 - 00;26;00;02


We would rather self-publish and go to Kickstarter and do it ourselves. The book is done. We want to get it to everybody. And we thought if we go to Kickstarter, then we get everybody involved in the project. Your name can go in the book. You could be a part of this at a level where you're not just getting a book, you're not just getting an audio book or a digital book or a hard copy or a soft copy.


00;26;00;06 - 00;26;36;03


You were getting all of that in so much more like the on deck circle, like the Masterclass, like getting your name in the book, like getting all of the cool swag and all of the cool interaction that we're going to have with you. And so we hope that you'll go to micro wins 2 million Stockholm Consider backing this project because we know that there is something really awesome here, and I hope that if you're listening, you're that guy or that gal that's going to be sitting on your couch reading this book, reading that one sentence where your eyebrows, eyebrows raise and you get a piece of inspiration, not because of our words, but just because


00;26;36;03 - 00;27;05;22


you put yourself in a position to be able to receive something that can change your life. And I want that for you because I know how many of you are out there wanting to do real estate. We did an episode a couple a couple podcasts ago. About only 5% of Americans are owning investment real estate. Like we know there's so many people that will read this book that will maybe finally take that step to shift the entire financial trajectory of their lives.


00;27;05;27 - 00;27;27;06


And we want that for you. So please consider going to micro when something is XCOM back in the Kickstarter and let's go party and make this thing awesome so that we could just change everybody's life once. Simple idea at a time. That's what it's about. It's about you. It's not about us. It's about you joining us in this thing so we can do something significant together.


00;27;27;12 - 00;27;46;24


And we're really, really excited to go to micro wins. 2 million Anything you want to add? Steve Kemp You know, the only thing I would add is, you know, this it's a book that we've taken 15 plus years, maybe closer to 20 years in terms of prior to us coming together. And we've compressed it into about 250 pages.


00;27;46;24 - 00;28;13;04


You have something that you can read in a matter of hours. And when I think about this kind of compression of of knowledge, information, experience, failures, successes of not only ourselves, but our clients and those who we've who we've worked with, that is what makes this book so special. This isn't something where, you know, we had a couple of years of success, We'd never experienced any of the downturn.


00;28;13;04 - 00;28;34;18


And we we wrote this book and we'd never experience, you know, those ups and downs. But it is the ups and downs. It's the challenges that we've overcome that has allowed this book to be something special. I have a saying I'm a big believer in this concept that the challenges we face in life are directly proportional to the greatness we're trying to accomplish.


00;28;34;21 - 00;29;07;23


And this is what I kind of feel like. This is a culmination of years and years of of significant challenges, along with significant successes that has allowed us to bring together this compilation of information, philosophy, knowledge, experience, such that people can take advantage of this tactical. I love that word, this tactical experiential book. So I'm just super excited to get it in the hands of a few people, and especially I've got kind of a soft spot, my heart for young people.


00;29;07;23 - 00;29;30;22


I feel like this book was written for them as much as it was for anybody. Yeah, because when they have the opportunity to learn what we've experienced over all of this time and they can apply in their lives at such a young age, micro winning has even more meaning to those individuals than anybody, in my estimation. Right? I think it applies to everybody at any age.


00;29;30;25 - 00;29;53;22


But when I think about the young people, because I feel like that we are all living in a time that is harder than ever for for young people to kind of get ahead. And there's a lot of discouragement, there's a lot of challenges that they have to face and that they're going to have to overcome quite frankly. And I feel like this is something that we are having an opportunity to give back and to provide for them.


00;29;53;24 - 00;30;16;16


And and so I just feel just that extra, you know, little bit of of, you know, hope for them and what this might do for them. 100% agree. All right everybody go to micro wins to millions dot com. Let's jump on this train, baby. Let's go let's roll. It's going to be awesome. I think you are going to love this book.


00;30;16;21 - 00;30;39;04


We can't wait to hang out with you at Sundance if you want to come to dinner with us but just come and participate in whatever level, whatever way you feel you can. And if you found it in your heart to share this website in this Kickstarter with friends and with family, that would be so meaningful to us, this could be something that together we could really change the trajectory of a lot of people's lives.


00;30;39;11 - 00;31;05;23


But more than anything, my hope is that it changes the trajectory of yours individually, that it could be something magnificent and significant for you. So with that, go to micro wins 2 million. Scott Back to Kickstarter. We're super pumped for it. Thank you everybody for joining us and we'll talk to you real soon. Let's go.